Sunday, April 4, 2010

Fun Time!

One of my very favourite blogs is Pharyngula I encourage you to visit as PZ Myers is one very erudite dude. It contains a mix of politics, (anti)religion and the negative impacts of religions, as well as actual science topics.
Most people who post on his site are also intelligent, and generally amusing. As happens though, he also draws a number of cranks, crackpots and general whackaloons. This is one of them. Guilty of storming other blogs with a stream of childish abuse and basic name-calling. When you get to his site, he ends up filling 90% of the posts as he has a bad habit of wiping and then INSERTING HIS OWN SHOUTY WORDS under the names of those posting stuff he disagrees with, even the most innocuous, or indeed intelligent.
At the risk of replicating his errant behaviour, I had fun for a few days by posting under a few different names. I actually posed serious questions, made valid arguments (even got recognition of this!) and, for a little fun, threw a few mild and non-abusive insults at him. Couldn't elicit anything sensible in response though.
I recommend, and indeed encourage you to pay a visit, have a look at what you find, make up your own mind....... then poke it with a stick!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

What's it all about?

Hello everyone,
this blog is going to get off to a slow and unsteady beginning. Like a toddler taking their first steps.
My aim is to provide (not create) a forum where people of differing viewpoints can discuss topics that I post when I feel strongly enough about something.
I really, really want to keep it both civil and to the point. Having said that, it is almost inevitable that things may sometimes, er, lets say, degenerate, a little.
Being no great possessor of knowledge or wisdom, I will not be claiming that the things I write are 100% valid in regards to science, philosophy or politics.
What I do possess however, is a pretty good bullshit detector gland. To an extent, I am able to discern truth from prevarication and distortion.
OK, up front - I am an atheist and a chardonnay socialist. I like to think I have 'sound morals' and consideration for my fellow man. Although I must admit that there are times when concepts such as eugenics start to display a certain appeal (the Hutaree anyone?).
I hope you'll join me.